Fundraising and building community through benefit auctions.
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Eileen Lambert - Charity Auction Consultant

Where did you grow up?
I was fortunate to have been an Air Force brat and grew up mostly overseas--—from Spain, to Texas, to England, to Japan before settling in Seattle in 1992.

What brought you to Seattle?
My stepfather moved our family here when he left the Air Force in ’92. I’m glad I landed here of all the states I could have lived in.

What do you like best about Seattle?
The gorgeous natural scenery—from mountains, to forests, to the Puget Sound and other waterways-- that encourages lots of outdoor fun and exploration!

What is your "day job"?
I work as Development Manager with EarthCorps , an environmental restoration non profit, where I handle individual and corporate giving, event planning (including a benefit auction) and public relations/outreach among other evolving duties.

What types of causes and organizations are important to you personally?
Environment, social justice, humanitarian relief, women’s issues, animals, and art.

How did you first get involved with benefit auctions?

Through working in Development with a previous nonprofit and helping organize their annual auction.

What do you like best about charity auctions?
The combination of people’s energy and excitement, the festive atmosphere, and working collaboratively to further a cause.

If you were a fruit or vegetable, what would you be and why?
I would be a tomato, so I could be either a fruit or a vegetable, and be versatile in so many uses (like me).

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Charity auction services in Seattle, Bellevue, Tacoma, Portland and throughout the Northwest!